Dec 2024
Hello Friends, Welcome to the Second Week of Advent! There are only 17 Days until Christmas…and let me tell you, I am certainly feeling the pressure and stress. I was looking at my schedule for the next two weeks, and there is not a single day when I don’t have something going on: Christmas Party, Caroling, Christmas Program, Helping at the Food Pantry, Attending Christmas Concerts, Leading Bible Studies and Worship Services, and making sure I get my work done for the week. I guess I can say, “Life is busy right......
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Dec 2024
Hello Friends, It’s official! We have entered into the Christmas Season: lights adorn houses, inflated Santas and Frostys have set up camp in yards, and stores are advertising their Christmas sales. Additionally, certain television stations have begun their Christmas countdown. From now until Christmas, we will read about it in the newspapers, hear it on the radio, and see it on television: “24 shopping days until Christmas,” “23 shopping days until Christmas,” “22 shopping days until Christmas” and so on and so forth. All around us places and people are showing us......
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Nov 2024
Hello Friends, Well….Halloween is over. There is a chilliness in the air. The sun has decided to hide behind the clouds earlier in the day and wake up later in the morning. “The chance of snow flurries” seems to be the favorite phrase on every weather station imaginable in the area. All the plants have been trimmed down and the leaves have been raked and the mower has been cleaned and put in storage. And I have now plugged in and turned on a space heater in my office. I think winter......
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Nov 2024
Hello Friends, How are you doing on this third Sunday of November? Can you believe that we are over halfway through November? I can’t. Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only eleven days away? I can’t. Can you believe that from today Christmas is one month and eight days away? I CAN’T. Time is moving way too fast. It really needs to slow down…. But I guess, it is what it is and we just have trust God that he will help us enjoy the rest of the year to its fullest–even......
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Nov 2024
Hello Friends, Well, most of the leaves have fallen, the grass has stopped growing, the flowers are no longer blooming, and the sun is setting earlier. Fall has arrived and is beginning to leave its mark on God’s creation. Winter is certainly upon us…. However, I am blessed that the temperatures haven’t been too cold up to this point! How have you been enjoying the Fall season? For many people, after Fall leaves, find themselves stuck inside: watching movies or shows, doing some much needed cleaning and reorganizing, and maybe working on......
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Nov 2024
Hello Friends, Today, I want to share with you about a special day that we celebrate in the church. This day is known as All Saints Day, and it takes place on November 1st every year. It is not nearly as well known as the day before, All Hallows’ (Saints’) Eve, better known as Halloween, but is far more important in the life of the church. Our founder, John Wesley, even found All Saints Day to be very important. In a journal entry from November 1, 1767, Wesley calls it “a festival......
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Oct 2024
Hello Friends!With Halloween approaching fast, I’m sure we are all excited to dress up in our costumes and eat all the candy we can get! What are you dressing up as for Halloween? I originally wanted to go as a donkey since a donkey is the only animal with a cross on its back, but now I think I want to dress up like a pumpkin! I bet you’re thinking that I am going to go as a Jack-o-lantern that has big eyes, a triangle shaped nose, and a mouth filled with......
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Oct 2024
Hello Friends, Well…have any of you been able to warm up after these chilling temperatures that have paid us a visit these last few todays? I will be honest, I was shocked to see the ground, early in the morning, covered with frost. I haven’t even gotten my sweaters and sweatshirts out of hibernation yet! However, I was very thankful when the temperatures decided to warm up over the weekend. So, are you ready for chilly and cooler temperatures or do you want it to stay warm for a little while longer?......
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Oct 2024
Hello Friends, How are you doing? The other day, I was thinking, how lucky we are to be part of the family of God! Even when we mess up, God still allows us to belong to His family. Even when we don’t listen to our parents or teachers, God still allows us to belong to His family. And even when we argue with Him, God still allows us to belong to His family. How wonderful is that? It’s very wonderful!! A hymn written by Gloria and William Gaither asserts, “I’m so glad......
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Oct 2024
Hello Friends, How are you doing? Have you been enjoying the first two weeks of Fall? That’s right, Fall has been around for two weeks already!! I can’t believe it. And after a few days of rain and gloomy skies, we finally get to experience some crisp mornings and sunny–with a slight breeze–afternoons. I am definitely ready for Fall! (And to get back outside to finish up some yard work!) Thinking about yard work, I have realized that taking care of the yard at the house is sort of my responsibility: I......
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