Jun 2023
Hello Friends, How are you doing today? When you read this, Summer Vacation has commenced! Public pools are opened, schools out for the Summer, backpacks have been thrown into the dark abyss of the closet, sleeping in has become routine, and spending a lot of time outside is the preferred method for passing the time. Life is pretty good at the moment! After nine months of doing homework, going to bed early, waking up early, and not having much time to do fun things, the time has come to kick-back and relax.......
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May 2023
Hello Friends, Happy Memorial Day! For our time together, I thought I would share with you some information regarding Memorial Day: its birth place, its original name, some history about the day, and, of course, recognizable traditions and rituals. But first, let me provide you with some basic information. Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official......
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May 2023
Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Summer vacation is…ALMOST…HERE!!! Are you are getting excited? Are you making any big plans–going swimming every day, playing outside every day, hanging out with your friends every day, avoiding doing chores, sleeping in, taking trips, and doing nothing? I am ready for Summer vacation, but I’m afraid that I will still be busy doing work. Aside from daydreaming about Summer vacation, did you remember to tell you mom “Happy Mother’s Day” last week? I hope you did, but if not, then go, right now, and......
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May 2023
Hello Friends, Today is a special day! Do you know what today is? That’s right, it’s Mother’s Day! And on this day we are too pamper our mom’s in every way possible: give them breakfast in bed, cook for them, do the dishes, clean the house, do the laundry, go grocery shopping, and make sure that we keep our mom happy. (If you are like me, I let my older siblings do all these things for our mom while I just sit with her on the couch and either watch “The Lion......
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May 2023
Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Are you counting down the days until school is out? Last time I checked, you should have less than twenty days until school is out for the summer!! That’s exciting! Are you making any plans? I’m sure not doing or worrying about homework is the first thing on your to do list! I don’t know about you, but once school was out for the summer, I put my backpack in the closest and didn’t look for it until August! Thinking about summer plans, maybe during......
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Apr 2023
Hello Friends, How are you doing on this last day of April? As I say at the end of every month, “I can’t believe this month is over already!” This time I really mean it: it seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and waving palm branches in the air, and then we were finding colorful Easter Eggs. And now, April is just about over and May is on the horizon. I really wish time would slow down! Do you wish time would slow down or does that......
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Apr 2023
Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Have you all recouped from your egg-travagant Easter Celebrations and egg-cellent Easter Egg hunts? Just last weekend, I spent time with my family to celebrate Easter, and I am still recouping from the driving, eating way too much food, and not getting enough sleep. One of these days I will be able to take a deep breath! Maybe that day will come when Summer Vacation roles around!! Today, we are going to figure out what bowling pins have to do with God, but first I......
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Apr 2023
Hello Friends, Hoppy Belated Easter to each and everyone of you! Did you all have a great Easter? Did the Easter Bunny come visit you and leave you with some special gifts: colorful Easter eggs, jellybeans, chocolate bunnies, and toys? I don’t know if the Easter Bunny came to visit me, but whoever did certainly left my fridge and candy bowls empty…. Either way, I has a wonderful Easter spent with wonderful friends, eating great food, and reflecting on the importance of the day, Jesus being raised from the tomb. Jesus was......
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Apr 2023
Hello Friends, Happy Easter! or should I say, “Hoppy Easter!” Did the Easter Bunny come visit you today? I think I received a visit from the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny didn’t leave my anything but I noticed that a couple of my cereal boxes were EMPTY, an egg carton was EMPTY, the milk jug was EMPTY, the lemonade container was EMPTY, and my candy jar was EMPTY. Maybe the Easter Bunny ate all my food so that he/she would have enough energy to visit you! Do you know of something else......
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Apr 2023
Title: “Easter Sunday” Author: Mike Berenstain Publisher: Zonderkidz Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan Year: 2016 Song Information Title: “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” Words: Charles Wesley, 1739 Music: Lyra Davidica, 1708 Played by: Paul Jorgenson Link: https://youtu.be/KpQThbNVIqM...
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