Children’s Message

Oct 2023

Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Are you getting ready to go trick-or-treating?! Do you have your costume picked out? Do you have your candy collection device ready to go? Do you know where you are going to go to receive piles and piles of your favorite candy and sweet treats? When I was your age, my dad took me trick-or-treating to a neighborhood near my house, and I remember that there were two houses in particular that every kid needed to go to: one house handed out full-size candy bars......

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Oct 2023

Hello Friends, How are you doing on this chilly day in Fall? I don’t know about you, but I was very excited this past week when the temperatures got above 70 degrees! I spent the whole day on Friday outside helping a dear friend with a building project–before it rained. However, it was great day to be outside! I have noticed in “these here parts” that even when it is below 60 degrees, people are still running around outside in shorts and t-shirts….that’s crazy! I have been wearing jeans and flannels ever......

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Oct 2023

Hello Friends, For this week’s lesson, I encourage you to read the following words adapted from Paul Harvey’s poem, “God Made Farmers.” And on the 8th day, God looked down on his creation and said, “I need a caretaker” — so………. God made Farmers. God said, “I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, tend to the animals, work all day in the fields, tend to the animals again, eat supper, then go to town to attend their child’s school function or stay past midnight at a meeting of the school board”......

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Oct 2023

Hello Friends, Can I ask you a question? Have you ever spent time away from someone you love? Maybe you had a sleepover, or a trip where you weren’t in your home. You might miss the people that you’re separated from in those circumstances, right? It’s challenging. When I was your age, I had a few sleepovers: at first I was really scared and uncertain. A few times I went home in the middle of the night. Let me ask you another question. Have you ever taken something with you to remind......

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Sep 2023

Hello Friends, I hope you are doing well on this first Sunday and week of Fall! Yes, it is officially Fall! Summer 2023 has come to an end. It’s time to get those sweatshirts out, your favorite mugs for hot chocolate out of the box, and begin watching the leaves change color before they fall on the ground and get raked into ginormous piles for you to jump in. Now that Fall has arrived, I am eager to enjoy its festivities, scents, tastes, and vibrant transformations. Thinking of Fall, I do have......

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Sep 2023

Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Can you believe that this is the last week of Summer…. Next week when we meet it will be the first full day of Fall! Fall officially begins on Saturday, September 23, 2023. Which means that I need to get my sweatshirts unpacked, put the hot chocolate mix on the counter, and hurry up and get my yard work done before the leaves start falling and it gets too cold to do anything outside. (However, I think I was still doing yard work–raking up leaves–well......

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Sep 2023

Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Have you been enjoying the nice Fall-like weather God has graced us with? Speaking of Fall, are any of you ready for Fall? Pretty soon, we will be eating pumpkin flavored muffins, picking apples, smelling pumpkin pie, watching the leaves change color, creating large piles of leaves and jumping into them, wearing sweatshirts outside, and picking out our Halloween Costumes. Fall is just around the corner. As a matter of fact, Fall is moving in and Summer is moving out! I don’t know if I......

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Sep 2023

Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Were you able to enjoy the beautiful weather that God blessed us with this past week? I was able to sneak out of the office for a few hours, enough time to soak up some rays and breathe the fresh air. It was truly refreshing, especially after last week. I am not ready for Fall quite yet, but this weather is slowly changing my mind! How about you, are you ready for Fall? Today, I want to talk to you about eyes! Our eyes are......

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Aug 2023

Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Can you believe how hot it has been this past week? Temperatures were in the 90s but it felt like triple digits….I wonder if you could have fried an egg outside….I hope you were able to stay cool and safe and took plenty of water breaks and took some time to go swimming. On a “cooler” subject, are you glad to be back in school? Some of you are only going for a half day while others of you are going fulltime and getting homework......

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Aug 2023

Dear Lord, we ask that the new school year for students of our community (and beyond) be filled with wonderful memories, cherished moments, everlasting life lessons, opportunities of intellectual growth, and encouragement to make their dreams come true. As the students go back to school, we ask for your protection, O Lord, from name-calling, bullying, and any violence. You are an amazing Lord, and we are so thankful you are with each and every student. O Lord, bless the students, and may their curiosity be enriched, their minds filled with wisdom, and......

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