Children’s Message

Feb 2022

Hello Friends! How are you today? I heard that you didn’t have school on Wednesday, Thursday, or on Friday because of the snow! Did you play in the snow on your snow-days? Did you build a snowman or go sledding or have a snowball fight or make any snow angels? I really wanted to build a snowman, but nobody was here to help me. Instead, I shoveled a lot of snow and helped out my neighbor. I still had fun, though! Do you know what today is? It’s not really a holiday......

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Jan 2022

Hello Friends! How are you doing today? Did you have a good week? Did you do anything fun? Today, we are going to talk about what happens when we follow instructions. Do any of you follow instructions? A better question is, do any of you like to follow instructions? I normally don’t like to follow instructions; but when it comes to certain things, following instructions is the only way to do things. So I have to share something with you….When I have some free time from paperwork and from keeping us all......

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Jan 2022

Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Did you notice this past week that God was sending warmth down upon us even though it was cold and windy? Although it was cold and windy, God allowed the sunshine to shine bright over us to remind us that He is always watching over us and protecting us. The sun, like God’s love and protection, is always shining even when we can’t see it. And like the sun, we can feel God’s warmth in our hearts and in our minds and in our spirits.......

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Jan 2022

Hello Friends, Did you have a good week? Can you believe that it finally snowed! There isn’t a lot of snow out there but at least it snowed a little–not enough to build a snowman like we talked about last week, though. Hopefully more snow will arrive soon! This week I thought we could talk about money…. Do you like money? When I was a kid, I remember getting money in birthday cards, I received money whenever I helped out my grandma, and I sometimes received money for doing some chores. Whenever......

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Jan 2022

Hello Friends! Did you all have a good week back to school? Were you excited to see your friends and teachers again after being on break for several weeks? I remember when I was about your age and people asked me if I was ready to go back to school after Christmas, I would say, “I am ready to see my friends but I am not ready to have homework again.” Can you believe that some of my teachers even assigned homework during Christmas break….I am pretty sure Santa put them on......

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Jan 2022

Hello Friends! Happy New Year! Can you believe that we have said good-bye to another year and said hello to a new year? I can’t believe it….It feels like just yesterday I was welcoming a year that took place last century. Where does time go? Did you stay up past 12:00AM to see the new year arrive? I usually like to try to stay up so I can say that I have been awake for two years straight! Anyways, do you know what people like to do at the start of every......

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Dec 2021

Hello Friends! Did you all have a wonderful Christmas? Did Santa Claus come and visit you? Did you get everything that was on your list? This Christmas was a little different for me this year: instead of waking up and seeing my mother in the kitchen and my father on the couch drinking coffee and a blanket of snow covering the ground, I woke up to an empty house, to my bird, Charlie, cooing, and to a green Christmas that we 65 degrees. Although this Christmas was different, I still got to......

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Dec 2021

Hello Friends! Christmas is less than a week away! I can’t hardly wait! It seems like we have been preparing for this day for so long…. As a church we have been preparing for Christmas for four weeks! During this time we have decorated the church, had a soup supper, sang carols, had a Grinch party and watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and we even had a gift exchange! The church has been busy preparing for the birth of Jesus not only for itself, but it has been helping others prepare......

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Dec 2021

Hello Frineds! Can you believe that Christmas is less than two weeks away? I am sure by now that your Christmas list is done and that you are eagerly waiting for Santa Claus to come. Maybe this is your last week of school before you get a couple of weeks off. Maybe your parents are watching you extra close to make sure that you are being extra nice these days. With everything going on–helping wrap gifts, putting up the Christmas lights, decorating the Christmas tree, and maybe decorating some Christmas cookies–have you......

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Dec 2021

Hello Friends! I can’t believe that Christmas is just a few weeks away! Have you all made a Christmas list yet? Every year around this time, I help my parents decorate for Christmas: we put up the Christmas tree, find the ornaments, hang Christmas lights on the house, put miniature santas everywhere, and wrap presents as we drink hot chocolate! It is truly a wonderful time of year! One of my jobs, besides helping with everything else that I mentioned, is to place my mom’s antique santas on top of our living......

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