Backpack Blessings: Prayers for the 2023-2024 School Year!

Backpack Blessings: Prayers for the 2023-2024 School Year!

Dear Lord, we ask that the new school year for students of our community (and beyond) be filled with wonderful memories, cherished moments, everlasting life lessons, opportunities of intellectual growth, and encouragement to make their dreams come true. As the students go back to school, we ask for your protection, O Lord, from name-calling, bullying, and any violence. You are an amazing Lord, and we are so thankful you are with each and every student. O Lord, bless the students, and may their curiosity be enriched, their minds filled with wisdom, and their spirits be filled with peace and love. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Almighty God, we come to you today and give thanks for all our teachers. Thank you for the way in which they give of themselves each day in the classroom, serving and instructing the next generation of this land. We thank you for them all. O Lord, please fill their hearts with courage; fill them with strength, so they may rise to every challenge and not grow weary; fill them with your wisdom, so they may be able to make good judgment when guiding and helping others; fill them with your peace, so that when stress and anxiety comes it would not overwhelm them; and fill them with your joy, so that the passion they have for their subject may become an infectious passion that spreads to each and every student. O Lord, bless and protect each and every teacher. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Dear Gracious Lord, we bring the administrators, principals, school secretaries, coaches, support staff, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, and the maintenance staff of each and every school before you today. We pray for your blessings to rest upon them: their lives, their work, their livelihood, their tasks, their duties, their care and support of each student that they interact with, and their families. O Lord, guide them with your wisdom, fill their hearts with your love, and give their bodies the strength they need to protect and watch over the students placed in their care. May they be empowered by your Spirit to see the needs of their students and to inspire those under their care. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Dear God of Care, we bring our parents, guardians, and caregivers of our students bore you. They are faced with unprecedented challenges. They have to make decisions that require your wisdom, understanding and insight, and your trust. When they feel overwhelmed, by present in their lives. May they never feel alone or abandoned. Strengthen them from within, so that they might be a source of strength, confidence, and hope for their children. O Lord, assure them a blessing of peace as their child or children are entrusted with well trained teachers and protected by the administration and staff. O Lord, assure them a sense of safety and security. O Lord, assure them that you are with their child or children, watching over them and loving them. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Loving God, thank you for the rest and relaxation we enjoyed over the summer. Today, we pray for all those returning to school. Bless them with joy at seeing friends, excitement for new experiences, and grant them with a love of learning. Watch over all as they replace fear with joy, anxiety with peace, and tiredness with energy. Grant all with wisdom, patience, and joy in all that they do. May everyone work hard and be kind so that you may bless them with amazing things, O Lord. Lord, bless the 2023-2024 School Year and all those involved. In your name we pray, amen.

May the Lord bless the 2023-2024 School Year in many ways!


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