Hello Friends, Welcome to the Second Week of Advent! There are only 17 Days until Christmas…and let me tell you, I am certainly feeling the pressure and stress. I was looking at my schedule for...
Hello Friends, It’s official! We have entered into the Christmas Season: lights adorn houses, inflated Santas and Frostys have set up camp in yards, and stores are advertising their Christmas sales. Additionally, certain television stations...
Hello Friends, Well….Halloween is over. There is a chilliness in the air. The sun has decided to hide behind the clouds earlier in the day and wake up later in the morning. “The chance of...
Hello Friends, How are you doing on this third Sunday of November? Can you believe that we are over halfway through November? I can’t. Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only eleven days away? I...
Hello Friends, Well, most of the leaves have fallen, the grass has stopped growing, the flowers are no longer blooming, and the sun is setting earlier. Fall has arrived and is beginning to leave its...
Hello Friends, Today, I want to share with you about a special day that we celebrate in the church. This day is known as All Saints Day, and it takes place on November 1st every...
Hello Friends!With Halloween approaching fast, I’m sure we are all excited to dress up in our costumes and eat all the candy we can get! What are you dressing up as for Halloween? I originally...
Hello Friends, Well…have any of you been able to warm up after these chilling temperatures that have paid us a visit these last few todays? I will be honest, I was shocked to see the...
Hello Friends, How are you doing? The other day, I was thinking, how lucky we are to be part of the family of God! Even when we mess up, God still allows us to belong...