in Children's Message
Being Responsible…
Hello Friends, How are you doing? Have you been enjoying the first two weeks of Fall? That’s right, Fall has been around for two weeks already!! I can’t believe it. And after a few days...
Hello Friends, How are you doing? Have you been enjoying the first two weeks of Fall? That’s right, Fall has been around for two weeks already!! I can’t believe it. And after a few days...
Hello Friends, It is officially Fall!! (Actually, it’s been Fall for over a week now!) Have you done anything exciting or fun to celebrate this new season? Have you jumped in a pile of leaves?...
Hello Friends, Can you believe that it is OFFICIALLY FALL?! Just before 8:00am this morning, Fall arrived at our doorsteps. Pretty soon the leaves will change from their green color to an array of majestic...
Hello Friends, Well, I looked out my office window the other day and noticed a few things: the rain drops on my window, a few leaves on the ground, some red leaves dispersed amongst the...
Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Did you do anything fun to celebrate the Labor Weekend–the last official weekend of Summer? Did you go swimming, did you hangout with family or friends, did you...
Hello Friends, I have some exciting news to share with you! Do you want to take a guess at what this exciting news might be? No, it’s not my birthday; and it’s not Christmas…yet. Let...
Today, as we begin a new school year, we take a moment to recognize and bless our students, parents, and teachers. To the parents, grandparents, and all in this community that help to care for...
Hello Friends, Well, this is the week that many of you return to school…. Are you ready? Are you ready for new adventures, new stories, and to make new friends? Are you ready to learn...
Hello Friends, Well, the first day of school is just around the corner…. The next time we meet, it will be the Sunday before the first day of school. Are you ready? Do you have...
Hello Friends, Have you ever been scared before? To quote Veggie Tales, do you get scared when the lights are off, when the “room is kind of creepy,” when the “furniture starts creeping,” or when...