Hello Friends, How are you doing? This…is…it! Today we let the bowling ball fly and not knock down all the pins! Today, we talk about Pin #10! Ever the course of several weeks, we have...
Hello Friends, How are you doing today? When you read this, Summer Vacation has commenced! Public pools are opened, schools out for the Summer, backpacks have been thrown into the dark abyss of the closet,...
Hello Friends, Happy Memorial Day! For our time together, I thought I would share with you some information regarding Memorial Day: its birth place, its original name, some history about the day, and, of course,...
Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Summer vacation is…ALMOST…HERE!!! Are you are getting excited? Are you making any big plans–going swimming every day, playing outside every day, hanging out with your friends every day,...
Hello Friends, Today is a special day! Do you know what today is? That’s right, it’s Mother’s Day! And on this day we are too pamper our mom’s in every way possible: give them breakfast...
Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Are you counting down the days until school is out? Last time I checked, you should have less than twenty days until school is out for the summer!!...
Hello Friends, How are you doing on this last day of April? As I say at the end of every month, “I can’t believe this month is over already!” This time I really mean it:...
Hello Friends, How are you doing today? Have you all recouped from your egg-travagant Easter Celebrations and egg-cellent Easter Egg hunts? Just last weekend, I spent time with my family to celebrate Easter, and I...
Hello Friends, Hoppy Belated Easter to each and everyone of you! Did you all have a great Easter? Did the Easter Bunny come visit you and leave you with some special gifts: colorful Easter eggs,...
Hello Friends, Happy Easter! or should I say, “Hoppy Easter!” Did the Easter Bunny come visit you today? I think I received a visit from the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny didn’t leave my anything...