World Communion Sunday: “Do This in Remembrance of Me”
On Sunday, we came together at Jesus’ table to share a meal. This was no fancy meal: there weren’t any mashed potatoes or salads or casseroles or sandwiches or even desserts. However, this was an important meal. As a matter of fact, this meal is what we call in the church “The Lord’s Supper” or “Holy Communion.” And what made it even more important, was the notion that as a Church–throughout the world–we had this meal together.
During this meal, we gathered at the table–which has a spot for you and me–and we remembered what Jesus did for us. Do you remember what Jesus did for us? Jesus went from town to town sharing with the people the Good News–the lessons we need to follow Jesus. Jesus even showed us what it looks like to help our parents, siblings, friends, and neighbors. And Jesus died on the cross for us so that our sins–the things that we get in trouble for–would be forgiven.
Before Jesus died on the cross, he had one last meal with his Disciples. In the upper room, Jesus took bread, gave thanks to God, and gave it to his Disciples and said, “This is my body. Do this in remembrance of me.” And then when the supper was over, Jesus took the cup, gave thanks, gave it to his disciples, and said, “Drink for this all of you. This my blood of the new covenant poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this–as often as you drink it–in remembrance of me.”
During this meal, Jesus wants us to remember him and everything that he did for us and is still doing for us today. I know it is strange to hear that Jesus is like bread and juice. However, what is not strange, is to know that Jesus lives inside of you–he lives in your heart. World Communion Sunday, is a Sunday once a year that is honored to remind us that Jesus lives inside of us; and that together–with people around the world–we can act like Jesus and be forgiven of things that we have done wrong so that love is everywhere.
So, when Jesus tells us to “Do this in remembrance of me,” he is telling us that we should always remember that he is always with us in whatever we do. And we are to remember that it is our job to invite the world to the table. Who knows, maybe someday with all these people at the same table, there will be mashed potatoes, salads, casseroles, sandwiches, and desserts!
From Your Friend, Holy Spirit
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