What’s in a Name: The Name of Jesus
Hello Friends,
“Let it Snow. Let it Snow. Let it Snow!” Well, have you enjoyed your extended Christmas Break?! From receiving snow on Sunday and Monday, experiencing chilly temperatures, and then embracing more snow on Friday, I’m sure you are not complaining about not going back to school. It certainly has been an interesting week when it comes to the weather. Have you been able to enjoy the snow? Did you make a snowman, a snow angel, or even a fort? Did you go sledding, have a snowball fight, and drink hot chocolate? As a kid, I loved going sledding at my Uncle’s house and afterward my Aunt would have hot chocolate ready for us. Those were some great times! I hope you are creating memories but also finding time to stay safe and warm.
While the snow was falling this week and steam rose from my mug of hot chocolate, I had a random thought. I thought to myself, “I wonder what my name means?” Do you have a name? Of course you do! Do you know what your name means? If you don’t, that’s okay. I didn’t know what my name meant until I looked it up and I have had my name for several years. Not only did I think about my own name, but I also thought about the name of Jesus. But, before we get to his name, let me share with you some interesting things about names in the Bible.
The Bible contains more than 2,500 proper names and their meanings. How many names from the Bible can you recall? In scripture, we are told that Zechariah and Elizabeth will name their child John and this news came from an angel. Mary and Joseph are to name their child Jesus. The son of Naomi and Boaz is named by the women in the community; and his name is Obed. Obed is the father of Jesse, Jesse is the father of David, and David is the ancestor of Jesus. During Jesus’ ministry, in the Gospel of Mark, when casting out demons, Jesus takes time to ask the man, “What is your name?” and the man replied, “My name is Legion, for we are many” (Mark 5:9).
Let’s take this step further and remind ourselves of some famous names found in the Bible. Delilah, in Hebrew, means “delicate.” Delilah had to be delicate when convincing Samson to reveal the secret about his strength. Ruth means “compassionate friend” which is how she treats Naomi after the death of her husband. Esther is translated as “star” which is what she was for her people in a desperate time: a light of hope and a source of guidance. The name Mary, which comes from the Hebrew name Miriam, which was the name of Moses’ sister, means “beloved, bitter, and wished-for child.”
Furthermore, Aaron, the brother of Moses and first high priest, means “high mountain” or “exalted.” Gabriel, a messenger of God, the one who appeared to Zechariah and Mary, means “God is my strength.” Isaac means “laugh” or “rejoice” which is what Abraham and Sarah did when they came to trust in God. Sarah even laughed when she found out she was pregnant (Genesis 18:12-15). David means “gift” in Hebrew. The name John is associated with “God is gracious.” The name Luke can be translated to mean “light-giving.” Matthew means “gift of God”; and Mark is often transcribed to mean “consecrated to the god of Mars or war.” The name for God in Hebrew is Yahweh; and it’s said that this name is ruach—the breath of life. When you speak Yahweh, you breathe in and exhale all in one name.
You see a majority of the names in the Bible reveal something about that person; even quite possibly indicating how they are to live their life. Names are important. Why is the name Jesus important?
The name Jesus means “God saves”: rescuer, deliverer, savior. In scripture there are several names that are attributed to Jesus. Jesus is called the Savior, Messiah, the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the Door, the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection and the Life, the True Vine, and the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In the prophecy of Isaiah, we read that Jesus is identified as Everlasting, Counselor, Wonderful, Prince of Peace, and Majesty. Proverbs 18:10 tells us, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe.” The name of Jesus is a source of comfort and security and protection and gives you strength to face tomorrow. Jesus is known by several names because he does way more than we can imagine.
When you say the name “Jesus” you are saying a name that can save you, heal you, comfort you, support you, calm you down, wipe away your tears, and a name that will never go out of style. The name Jesus is a name that is wonderful and caring and loving and a friend who will always be with you and who is always willing to forgive you. There is something about that name because the name Jesus is all we need to be who we are meant to be. Don’t you just love the name Jesus!?
Now I did some research about what my own name means: Daniel Gregory Skelton. Daniel, a Hebrew name, means “God is my judge”—suggesting that God is the one who will approve or disapprove of my actions. The name Daniel is a reminder and warning. Now the name Gregory—of Greek and Latin origin—comes from the Latin name “Gregorius.” Gregory is often translated as “watchful or alert.” As a matter of fact, “gregorios” is the verb used by Jesus in Matthew 24:42 to warn his disciples to “stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” So I guess I better be on alert if God is my judge! Now Skelton is all on its own: it’s a combination of Old English words meaning “rock ledge shelf” and “resounding” in Old Norse. That’s all.
I encourage you, with the help of a parent or grandparent, to find out what your name means. When you find out, let me know! Until then, enjoy the snow, enjoy the name that you have, and never stop saying the name Jesus!
Your Friend, Holy Spirit!
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