The Wedding Bells are Ringing!!
Hello Friends,
This is a very special post! Truly one of a kind! A gift given by God! A miracle in the works for many years! It takes my breathe away just thinking about it because I can’t believe it has finally happened! You see, just a few days ago, Pastor Daniel and his fiancé, Emily, “tied the knot,” as some may say: they got married! They got hitched! They stood in front of their friends and family and said these sacred words: “In the name of God, I, name, take you, name, to be my wife/husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for the better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.” Pastor Daniel and Emily said these words as the wedding bells began to ring!
Although the ceremony was beautiful, Pastor Daniel and Emily, instead of tying the knot, performed something rather unique that you all may find interesting. During the ceremony, they took three strands of rope that formed the base of a cross and wove them together. Ecclesiastes 4:12 states, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” One strand represents Pastor Daniel, the other strand represents Emily, and the last strand represents Jesus Christ. Although the day was about Pastor Daniel and Emily they still incorporated the one, Jesus Christ, who brought them together.
Here is what each strand means:
- “Though one may be overpowered,” When Cain heard that his punishment was to wander the face of the earth alone, he cried that it was too much to bear (Gen 4:13). God took pity and let him go to a city. We are made to be individuals who lend ourselves to the community in service to and relationship with others. Being alone is not the ideal state.
- “two can defend themselves.” There is a time to be alone so that the quality of our togetherness will be greater. Once together in Christ, two are better than one. The Christ in a person is often more reliable for his brother than is the Christ in his brother. This is why we must “speak the truth in love” (Eph 4:15) to one another.
- “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. This is obvious. But for the three strands to make a cord, they must intertwine appropriately. Three cords unraveled are as easy to break as one. Three friends in unity are a powerful force. Two or more friends bound by the Spirit and the truth are a godly combination. The third strand is God, who binds and knits all things together to form one thing.
I wonder if you can weave three strands of rope together to remind yourself that you are better together than alone. The next time you see Pastor Daniel and Emily, make sure to say “Congratulations!!!” Let the wedding bells ring!
Your Friend, Holy Spirit!
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