“My Country ‘Tis of Thee”: Liberty in God’s Creation

Hello Friends,
Can you believe that in just two days from now we will be celebrating 247th Birthday of our Nation? Do you have any plans? Are you going to go watch fireworks? Are you going to stay home and set off your own fireworks and light sparklers? Are you spending time with family, friends, or your neighbors? What are you doing for the 4th of July?
Did you know that the 4th of July is more than just a day to go see or set off fireworks? The 4th of July is actually a day to celebrate our independence, our freedom and liberty. We pause on this day to remember all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that you and I can live in the land of the free and the home of the brave; so that you and I can experience freedom. Jesus was the first one who gave his life for us. Jesus, on the cross, gave us freedom, our liberation. We call Jesus’ gift of freedom our salvation. The Bible tells us on several occasions that we are set free, that we have salvation:
- Galations5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.”
- Galatians 5:13 “For you were called to freedom, brothers, Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love and service toward one another.”
- Romans 6:7 “For one who has died has been set free from sin.”
- 2 Corinthians 3:17 “Now the Lord is the spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
- John 8:32 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
The more I think about these verses, the more I begin to hum the hymn, “America,” also known as “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee.” Samuel F. Smith, 1832, wrote this beautiful hymn and penned these words,
My country ’tis
This wee sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing
Land where my fathers died
Land of the pilgrim’s pride
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring
My native country, thee
Land of the noble free
Thy name I love
I love thy rocks and rills
Thy woods and templed hills
My heart will rapture fills like that above
Let music swell the breeze
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom’s song
Let mortal tongues awake
Let all that breathe partake
Let rocks their silence break
The sound prolong
Our Father God to Thee Author of liberty
To Thee I sing
My country ’tis of Thee
Sweet land of liberty
For all eternity
Let freedom ring
Let freedom ring
My country ’tis, my country ’tis of Thee
From these words, we learn that this country ’tis of thee, is truly the land of liberty–of freedom and salvation. This country ’tis of thee, was created by God with hopes that you and me would let freedom ring. This country ’tis of thee is more than freedom, it is the land of the free and home of the brave. This country ’tis of thee is our home, and our home has been created by God. So, for this 4th of July, remember that this country was created by God for you, for me, and for many others. “Long may our land be bright with freedom’s holy light, protect us by they might, great God, our King.” You have been set free to be who you are meant to be.
So, on this 4th of July, remember that Jesus has set you free: he has set you free to be who you want to be. On our Nation’s 247th Birthday, take time to give thanks to God and all those who sacrifice so much for you. Because of them, you are free! As Martin Luther King, Jr. famously said, “Thank God we are free at last!” We are free because we have Jesus in our life! And God has given us this country to call home! Happy 4th of July!
Your Friend, Holy Spirit!
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