It’s All About Jesus: The One In The Boat

Hello Friends,

Some of you who are reading this are just days away from emptying your desk, zipping up your backpack for the last time, and are getting ready to leave school for the summer. Others of you, may have a few more days before school is out for the summer and can’t wait until you zip up your backpack for the last time. Either way, summer vacation–the days with no more homework, no more daily routines, and no more bedtime–is quickly approaching! Are you ready? Do you have any exciting plans?

My summer schedule is quickly filling up….I have few meetings to attend, a few community events to go to, and few quick trips to take with the family. Although there are some days when I wish my summers could be as free as they once were when I was your age, being busy during the summer isn’t all that bad, especially when what I get to do involves being outside and being productive. As I look at my schedule, I noticed, on one of my calendars, that it has a picture of a boat with the words “It’s Boating Season” plastered in the sky above the boat. Now, I don’t own a boat, but I know someone who is always inviting me to get into his boat (and who has a busier schedule than me). Do you know who I am talking about? That’s right! It’s Jesus! And there is one story in the Bible that takes place in a boat.

I want you to use your imagination: pretend you are holding a boat in your hand. This little boat is to remind us that we are entering into the time of year when many people enjoy getting into their boats and going out onto the lakes, rivers, and streams. Have you ever gone out in a boat? What were you doing? Some people like to go fishing, some like to go water skiing, and others may just enjoy going for a ride in the boat. No matter what you are doing in a boat, it is important to know some things about boating safety. At the very top of the list is…always wear your life jacket!

The boating season is also the season for thunderstorms. It is wise to check the weather report before going out in a boat, but sometimes the weather can change very quickly. A storm can come up suddenly and you may need to get safely to shore. One day, Jesus and some of his disciples were out on a lake in a boat. Suddenly, without warning, a storm came up. The wind blew so hard, and the waves were so high, that water was coming into the boat and the boat was about to be turned over. (And I don’t think they were wearing any life jackets.)

While the winds and waves tossed the little boat about, Jesus slept peacefully at one end of the boat. Some of the disciples became upset that Jesus was sleeping. Not only were they upset, but they were probably afraid. They went and woke Jesus, and asked him, “Teacher, don’t you even care that we are about to drown?” Jesus got up and spoke to the winds and the waves.

Do you know what Jesus said? He said, to that terrifying storm and to his frightened disciples, “Peace, be still.” As soon as he spoke, the winds stopped blowing and the sea became calm. Jesus’ disciples were amazed! They said, “Who is this man that even the winds and the waves obey him?”

We know who Jesus is, don’t we? We have been learning about who he is for several weeks with the help of the Apostle Paul. Paul told us that Jesus is the image of the invisible God, that Jesus is in creation, that Jesus uses creation to communicate with us, that creation is working for Jesus, and that Jesus holds all things together. And now, we are learning that Jesus is the one who calms storms and takes away our fear.

Sometimes, there are sudden storms in our life: things that we are scared of, moments that challenges us, and people who make us upset. For example, perhaps the storm is an illness, a family problem, or the death of a friend or loved one. During these times, Jesus can calm the storms of doubt and fear in our life. He doesn’t always take away all of the problems, but if we will trust in him, he will give us peace in our hearts even in the middle of a storm, even when we find ourselves in a boat.

Jesus is everything that Paul described him to be; but he is also the one in our life that is always going to be there for us. He is going to calm our storms. He is going to remove our fear. He is always going to love us. Jesus is more than we can comprehend and understand! However, he will always be the one–just like your parents–that will be in the boat with you. Who is Jesus to you?

Let us Pray: Heavenly Father, we thank you for those times when you calm the storms that come up in our daily lives. We also thank you for those times when you give us peace even though we are in the middle of a storm. We ask you to watch over us and keep us safe. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Have a great few days of School!

Your Friend, Holy Spirit!


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