Hello Friends!
Happy New Year! Can you believe that we have said good-bye to another year and said hello to a new year? I can’t believe it….It feels like just yesterday I was welcoming a year that took place last century. Where does time go? Did you stay up past 12:00AM to see the new year arrive? I usually like to try to stay up so I can say that I have been awake for two years straight!
Anyways, do you know what people like to do at the start of every new year? That’s right! They make some sort of challenge for themselves. We call this challenge a New Year’s Resolution. Some people may say that they want to exercise more or lose weight or get together with old friends or simply be a happier person. Others may say they want to read the Bible more or start going to church on a regular basis or pray that the church will host an event where the people can gather outside of Sunday mornings. There are many things that people make for their New Year’s Resolutions. My resolution this year is to make a resolution….just kidding! My New Year’s Resolution is to grow our church and listen more to the needs of the people and figure out a way to bring back some of those who have left the church.
In order to make some of these resolutions possible, we have to pray and listen to what God is laying on our heart. Plus, we have to take chances like the Wise Men: they took a chance on a star that was in the sky. So in the bulletins for the adults, I placed a blank notecard; and on this notecard–yes, they can draw pictures–they are to write down some things in which they want the church to focus on in 2022. They are to make New Year’s Resolutions for the church. Their list might say structural improvements both inside and outside the church, spiritual improvements, improvements for the pastor, new events that they want to have, more opportunities for the kids and older adults, and the list could go on. Just like you and me, the church needs to make resolutions so that it fulfills its mission and vision and is able to grow and highlight the gifts of its people. The church can only grow if the people are willing to grow too.
So for your New Year’s Resolution, I encourage you to think about what you think the church needs to do. If you think the church needs a popcorn-maker for more movie nights or picnic tables so you can have snacks outside, then let me know! The church is just as much yours as it is to the oldest person in the church. Remember to take chances and pray to God. God has resolutions for you too, so be sure to listen to Him.
See you soon Friends, Holy Spirit!
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