Don’t Say “NO”: Moses Faces Fear
Hello Friends,
Have you ever been scared before? To quote Veggie Tales, do you get scared when the lights are off, when the “room is kind of creepy,” when the “furniture starts creeping,” or when a big and harry thing is “casting shadows on the wall”? Have you ever gotten so scared that you just shout “NOOOOOOOOOOOO”?
Well let me tell you something…I have been scared lots of times. I used to be sacred of the dark. Sometimes I get scared to do new things or go up on high places or even when I am alone. Although I am a little older now and not afraid of the dark anymore, I still get scared. So, do you get scared? What causes you to be scared?
In the Bible there is a man by the name of Moses who was so scared of what God needed him to do, that when God told him that he was going to save God’s people from the Egyptians, Moses said “no.” Moses didn’t trust God. Moses didn’t have faith in God or even in himself. Moses was so scared that he didn’t want to do what God needed him to do. Again, have you ever been so scared that you have said “No” before? Well, let me tell you about Moses. Moses was scared and said no, but as time went on Moses began to trust God and said “yes” to God.
We all feel fearful sometimes: just like Superman felt about kryptonite. If we didn’t then we wouldn’t be human. Fear is a natural feeling. Moses knew what it was to be afraid and scared. We can tell that when God speaks to him from the burning bush and asks him to go and save His people form Egypt, Moses doesn’t think he can do it. He doesn’t believe in himself. Moses is scared that he won’t be able to do what God is asking him to do. In Exodus 3:11 he says, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring that Israelites out of Egypt?”
Moses doesn’t say yes right away. He asks questions because he is scared to go. Moses had been living in the wilderness for forty years. He know how to live there and what to do there. He hadn’t been back to Egypt since he escaped after killing an Egyptian soldier or guard. he was no longer Pharaoh’s son. Having faith means doing what God asks even when we are afraid. Faith means believing even when we are afraid. We might feel fear, but our faith in Jesus will see us through.
Sometimes we can be afraid of what people will think or feel about us, or even what they will say or do to us, which is why we sometimes say “no.” Moses was afraid of what others would think: he says “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” (Exodus 3:13). The last time Moses had spoken to the Israelites in Egypt was when they accused him of having no right to speak because he was a murderer (Exodus 2:11-15).
In Exodus 3:12 God reminds Moses: “I will be with you.” God is with you too. God said to Moses that He would be with him, and He promises to be with us too. In fact, when Jesus ascended (or rose) to God in heaven, he said, “…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). Jesus is with us wherever we go. Perhaps you are feeling fearful of something right now. Jesus is bigger and greater than any other person–or people grouped together. He is greater than anything we will ever face in the whole universe. To quote Veggie Tales again, “God is bigger than boogie man. He’s bigger than Godzilla and the monsters on the TV. God is bigger than the boogie man and He’s watching out for you and me.” God is watching over us because He is with us. He is on our side. He gives us the power to face anything in our pathway that scares us.
Although Moses in this passage is very afraid, we do know that Moses went on to do great things for God: including helping the people to escape Egypt. Moses decided not to let his fear overtake him. He decided it was more important to follow God than to be scared of people. He listened to what God said and he followed His instructions.
Moses remembered God’s words: “Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers–the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob–has sent me to you.’ This is the my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation” (Exodus 3:15). Moses knew whom he was serving. He knew who God is. That’s why he knew the best thing to do was to listen and obey, because God knew all along exactly what He was doing!
Even when we feel scared of the dark, or the monsters on TV, or the sound of the furniture, or even the creepy shadows on the wall, we must do our best to remember that God is with us. And that we must not say no to God’s help, but instead say yes to the strength and care of God in our life. It’s okay to be scared–Moses was. But in your time of fear know that God is with you. After all, He is definitely bigger than the boogie man!!
Your Friend, Holy Spirit!
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