Does God Use Cookie Cutters: Self-Worth
Hello Friends,
Well…have any of you been able to warm up after these chilling temperatures that have paid us a visit these last few todays? I will be honest, I was shocked to see the ground, early in the morning, covered with frost. I haven’t even gotten my sweaters and sweatshirts out of hibernation yet! However, I was very thankful when the temperatures decided to warm up over the weekend. So, are you ready for chilly and cooler temperatures or do you want it to stay warm for a little while longer?
I don’t know if it was the cold temperatures or the realization that Ms. Emily was making brownies this weekend, but for some strange reason I caught myself thinking about cookie cutters!? Have you ever used a cookie cutter before? Do you have a favorite cookie cutter that you like to use? It’s amazing to see a tray of brownies transform into a plate of stars, snowflakes, leaves, or maybe snowmen. Cookie cutters are so amazing! But did you know that they can teach us about how God made us. Let me tell you…
Today I want to talk to you about cookie cutters. This week Ms. Emily and I were making cookies, and I thought, “These gingerbread men have a story to tell!” Raise your hand if you have ever helped someone use a cookie cutter to make cookies. It’s fun, isn’t it?
First you make your dough, or, in my case, a tray of brownies. Next you need to roll the dough out until it is very thin by using a rolling pin. (Some people just use their hands.) Finally, when the dough is thin enough, you place the cookie cutter on the dough and press down–hence cutting the dough. After you cut one out, then you can do it again and again and again until all the dough has been used up and transformed into something else. It’s amazing how a cookie cutter works!
After placing the cut outs on a tray, our parents will place them in the oven to bake. Once they are done baking and cooled, then we can decorate the cut out cookies. (I usually like to eat one plain before I start decorating!) So, now, I invite you to use your imagination. Imagine you are holding a freshly cut out and decorated gingerbread man cookie! Don’t eat it yet! Remember, what I told you: these cookies have a story to tell…Look carefully at your cookie and then the cookies of your friends. Are they all the same color? Are they all the same shape? Are they all the same size? Are they all decorated the same way? NO! But I thought we all used the same cookie cutter? At least, I thought I used the same cookie cutter when making them!? Maybe I didn’t use a cookie cutter. Do you think I used a cookie cutter? Well, I did.
Now, look at the friends around you. Is our hair all the same color? What about our eyes? Are we all the same size? No. Now here is the big question of the day – Who made you? You? and You? Did God use a cookie cutter? NO. Each of you is one of a kind – God’s special design. If he wanted us all to look alike, he would have made us that way. Instead, he took the time to make you just the way you are, AND you are precious in his sight!
God “decorated” you in such a way that it can never be duplicated or replicated. There is only one of you, and one of me, and one of your mommy and daddy. God didn’t use a cookie cutter to create you: He used his mind and his hands to mold you and shape you into who you are today and who you are going to be tomorrow. And when God made you, he made you with love, kindness, grace, and worth. You are valuable to God because God made you in his image.
Since God values us, then maybe we should value him. But how? Well… Let God Love you; Think positive thoughts about yourself; Say positive words about yourself; Find out what you are good at and do it; Hang out with people who make you feel good about yourself; and Avoid people who make you feel bad about yourself. When we do these things value ourselves, we in turn are actually valuing God because we are doing what Jesus would do. Who would have ever thought that a simple cookie cutter could teach us so much!!
Let these cookies remind you that God didn’t use a cookie cutter when he made you and that he loves you just the way you are! If God wanted us all to look alike, he would have used a cookie cutter! But he didn’t because who are worth someone to him.
Let us pray: Dear God, We thank you ….for making each of us special… in our own way. Amen
Your Friend, Holy Spirit!
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