A Special Thank You To My F.A.T.H.E.R.

Hello Friends,

Were you able to stay cool this past week? Did any of you go swimming or enjoy any water balloon battles? It’s hard to believe that it was 100+ degrees this past week! I don’t know about you, but I didn’t do anything outside this week because it was just too hot. But you know what I did while I stayed inside, I thought about my dad, and all the wonderful things that he taught me. And I found it very fitting to be thinking about my dad since today is Father’s Day. Did you know that it was 50 years ago this year, back in 1972, when President Richard Nixon made Father’s Day a National Holiday?

Father’s have been around more than 50 years, but yet we have only been celebrating them nationally for 50 years. That’s crazy! I mean, Adam was the first human father, then there was Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David, and Joseph–Jesus’ earthly father. But yet we don’t give them the same praise that we give to our dads today. But they all have taught us how we see our dads today. We see our dads as Friends, as Advisers, as Teachers, as Heroes, as Examples, and as Reliable persons. We see our dads as God wants us to see them, and God wants us to see them in honorable ways. God says, we must “honor our father….”

Growing up, my dad was (and still is today) always working on some sort of project. But when I asked for help, he stopped what he was doing. When I wanted to play catch, he grabbed his glove. When I wanted to work outside, he would join me and bring me a list of things to do. When I road my bike twelve miles to school on the last day of school, he would put on his helmet, oil his chain, and follow right behind me. My dad was and always will be my best friend, a great adviser, a continuous teacher, a superhero, an example I want to follow for the rest of my life, and someone I can always rely on. My dad was and is always there for me! And God is the same way. God is our ultimate dad: the one who brought us Jesus, who watches over us, who protects us, helps us, and loves us unconditionally. God is my father and he is your father. God has given you your earthly dad to be with you on this earth everyday. God needed help to make sure that you are taken care of, so He gave you your dad! So what are some things that you like to do with your dad?

To honor our dads, can we pray together? Let us pray: Dear Father God, I gratefully thank you for my dad. I think you for his words of wisdom, his comfort and care, his encouragement, his lessons, his laughter, and his love. Thank you for letting my dad be my best friend. Please, O Lord, bless my dad and keep him safe and filled with love. This is my heartfelt prayer, Amen.

Don’t forget to tell your dads Happy Father’s Day!

Your Friend, Holy Spirit!


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