Palm Sunday

A Palm Sunday message for the kids.

Today is a Palm Sunday like no other. Usually we are in church waving our palm branches and singing “Hosanna”, but not today.  Nevertheless, we can still praise Jesus and recall how He entered into Jerusalem on a donkey with the crowd singing and shouting “Hosanna.”  Did you know “hosanna” means “save us” and that is exactly what everyone in the world is wanting–Save us from this pandemic!! So let’s get busy!

You may not have the palm branches at your home, but you do have palms, right? And your palms should be very clean, because you are washing them often for 20 seconds at a time, right?  Well, if you still want to praise Jesus on this wonderful Palm Sunday of 2020, then put your two palms together and say this prayer.

Dear Jesus,

Hosanna! We come to you today on Palm Sunday with our palms together to praise you. We thank you for once living on this earth, and then dying on the cross for our sins.  We are thankful that we can serve a risen Savior. We thank you for your love and care for each of us during this pandemic. Hosanna! Save us, dear Jesus!


Thank you, God!


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