Bible Study @6:30PM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

You are invited and welcome to join us on Wednesday, September 1st @6:30PM for a Bible Study! Together we will be looking at 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, and asking ourselves, "How can we sow more and reap more for the Kingdom of God?

Church Service @9:00AM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

You are invited to join us for Worship on Sunday, September 5th @9:00AM!

Sunday School @10:00AM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

Following the worship service, there are two Sunday School classes that meet @10:00AM: one class meets in the Sanctuary and the other meets in the Youth Building!

Bible Study @6:30PM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

This week we are continuing our Harvest adventures by looking at Galatians 6:7-10. We hope to see you there!

Worship Service @9:00AM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

Looking for a place to Worship, then come on out to Dogwood Prairie UMC where all are welcome!

Board Meeting @11:00AM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

Following Sunday School there will be a Board Meeting.

Bible Study @6:30PM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

This week we will be looking at the Books of Habakkuk and Joel and asking ourselves, "What am I supposed to do with failing crops?" Even when God tells us to not give up (Galatians 6:7-10), something happens in our life where giving up seems like the logical answer. But how do we overcome that? How do we see the good in what has failed?

Open House at Oblong Grade School @5:30PM-7:00PM

Oblong Elemetary School 600 W Main St., Oblong, IL

Thursday, Sept. 16th @5:30PM-7:00PM - Oblong Grade School Open House: The Academic Foundation will be hosting dinner at the OES cafeteria during the annual Open House. We will be serving pulled pork sandwiches & hot dogs along with chips, desserts & drinks starting at 5:30. Come visit OES during the open house & have dinner with us.