Soup Dinner @11:30AM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

Bible Study @3:00PM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

Bible Study @6:30PM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

Board Meeting @11:00AM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

Following Sunday School, there will be a Board Meeting to discuss old, existing, and future situations.

Bible Study @3:00PM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

Bible Study @6:30PM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL