Church Board Meeting

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

There will be a Church Board Meeting following Sunday School.

Bible Study @6:30PM-7:30PM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

Welcome to Bible Study! This week we are continuing our study of Exodus chapter 4: Moses departs for Egypt, Zipporah defends Moses, Aaron arrives, and the Israelites decide to follow.

Bible Study @6:30PM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

Wednesday, August 25, 2021, Dogwood Prairie will by hosting a Bible Study at 6:30PM. Together we will be looking at the concluding verses of Exodus 4 with hopes of Moses gaining faith in his calling!

Bible Study @6:30PM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

You are invited and welcome to join us on Wednesday, September 1st @6:30PM for a Bible Study! Together we will be looking at 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, and asking ourselves, "How can we sow more and reap more for the Kingdom of God?

Church Service @9:00AM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

You are invited to join us for Worship on Sunday, September 5th @9:00AM!

Sunday School @10:00AM

Dogwood Prairie UMC 3031 E 1450th Ave, Oblong, IL

Following the worship service, there are two Sunday School classes that meet @10:00AM: one class meets in the Sanctuary and the other meets in the Youth Building!